154 Search Results
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01824 Gohrisch, OT Papstdorf
Alte Hauptstraße 30
phone: 035021-67372
6 beds + additional bed
object per day: 55€
object per week: 385€

Wir bieten Ihnen 2 komfortable Ferienwohnungen (48m² und 65m²) in ruhiger Lage für 2-5 Personen.
Die Fewienwohnungen haben je einen separaten Eingang. Im Gartenbereich können sich Kinder und Erwachsene erhohlen und bei Bedarf grillen.
Die Lage unserer Ferienwohnungen ist perfekt. Sie können auf die nahe gelegenen Hausberge -Papststein und Gohrisch- wandern. Unweit unseres Hauses können Sie aber auch in den bekannten Etappenwanderweg - Malerweg- einsteigen.
Die Möglichkeiten für Wanderer, Biker und auch Bergsteiger sind phantastisch.

Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch!
01855 Sebnitz, OT Saupsdorf
Niederdorfstraße 13
phone: 035974 50046, 01628854625
8 beds + additional bed
object per day: 50€

Our comfortably furnished 2 holiday flats with 38 sqm each and part of a monument-protected house offer space for 2-4 persons. Each dwelling has 1 combined apartment/sleep area, apartment kitchen, Shower/WC, central heating, Sat TV, WIFI and Telephone. Additional beds for 5,00 € per person and night possible, all-season renting, parking lot at the house.
Beautiful calm location at the outskirts of the Saxon-Bohemian Switzerland, restaurants and horse riding are in the village. Seats and BBQ place at the house. Enjoy our original Hungarian goulash cooked over open fire? Address me.
01855 Mittelndorf
Schandauer Str.3
phone: 035022 - 40 7 63
5 beds + additional bed
object per day: 35€

We would like to invite you to our comfortably furnished apartment (for 2-5 persons) in the village Mittelndorf, located in the Saxon Switzerland. Our village is in close proximity to the spa town Bad Schandau and is ideal starting point for hikes and excursions in the Bohemian and Saxon Switzerland. Here is also a transportation link with the bus, heading towards the large district town Sebnitz and Bad Schandau.
01814 Bad Schandau, OT Waltersdorf
Liliensteinstr. 1
phone: 035022 42390, 01727803861
6 beds
object per day: 40€

WALTERSDORF is situated in the heart of Sächsische Schweiz National Park. From here you can easily wander to many landmarks of the National Park like: the BASTEI, the town KURORT RATHEN, LILIENSTEIN, KÖNIGSTEIN, as well as to the beautiful valley of the river POLENZ.
Each of our four apartments are equipped with: a small kitchen, private bath, and satellite TV. Each unit also has an outdoor sitting area (patio or gazebo). Courtyard parking is included.
You are also invited to use our playground, fire pit and BBQ area. In the village are horse, cows, et cetera.
We look forward to your visit.
Annemarie und Werner Krebs
01814 Bad Schandau, OT Waltersdorf
Liliensteinstr. 21
phone: 035022 40596
2 beds + additional bed
object per day: 55€

Unsere Ferienwohnung auf unserem ehemaligen Bauernhof ist mit 50 qm und separatem Eingang für 2 bis 3 Gäste geeignet. Interessieren Sie sich für das bäuerliche Leben vergangener Generationen, sind Sie herzlich in unser kleines Bauernmuseum eingeladen. Von der Terrasse können Sie den schönen Ausblick zum Lilienstein und über das Elbtal zu den Bärensteinen und den Rauenstein genießen.
01855 Sebnitz, OT Lichtenhain
Talstraße 24
phone: 03596501796
4 beds + additional bed
object per day: 50€

Our quiet apartment is located in an idyllic setting with a boating pond and offers ideal conditions for a relaxed holiday in the Saxon Switzerland National Park. Trips to the Kirnitzschtal valley, the Lichtenhainer waterfall or to the Kuhstall rock arc, just to name a few options, are all highly recommended. Furthermore a trip to the capital city Dresden is also a nice alternative. Nevertheless here you can relax in a “play barn” with table tennis and a swimming pool. Our village has three restaurants, of which one even has with a bowling alley.
01824 Gohrisch
Neue Bauerngasse 38
phone: 035028 868970
8 beds + additional bed
object per day: 70€

Lovingly restored former farm house with cow stables, five-star-rating by the German tourist board. Find comfort and taste in the midst of rural countryside, relax and enjoy the peace and silence around us
Our four apartments have different sizes and either balcony or terrace (guest terrace). The famous walking path "Painter's way" runs almost past the house and so do lots of walking trails and climbing routes, which wait to be discovered by you...
01824 Königstein
Pfaffendorfer Str. 3
phone: 035021 67115
4 beds + additional bed
object per day: 40€

Wir bieten Ihnen 2 Ferienwohnungen für je 2 Personen in ruhiger und sonniger Lage in Pfaffendorf mit Blick zum Pfaffenstein mit Barbarine und zur Festung Königstein. Die Wohnungen besitzen beide jeweils einen sep. Eingang. Autostellplätze und WLAN sind vorhanden. Wir vermieten von April bis Oktober!

1. Ferienwohnung 60qm im Haupthaus 2 Personen, 50 EUR / Endreinigung 25 EUR
Grillplatz mit Gartenanteil und Pavillon und zusätzlich überdachte Sitzecke.

2. Ferienwohnung 30 qm im Nebengebäude 40 EUR / Endreinigung 25 EUR
Mit sonniger Terrasse (Blick zur Festung Königstein)und Grillplatz mit überdachter Sitzecke.
01829 Wehlen
Schöne Aussicht 6
phone: 0163 6609287
2 beds + additional bed
object per day: 50€

Our comfortably furnished holiday accommodations will be a great and safe experience. Enjoy the beautiful bank promenades of the town with an extensive walk or with hikes into the closer environment. With the ferry you can reach easily the other river bank, where you can visit for example the fortress Königstein…
01829 Stadt Wehlen
Mennickestrasse 7
phone: 035024 70756
8 beds + additional bed
object per day: 55€

Our house is directly on the bank of the Elbe in the town Wehlen, calm although central situated and oriented to the south. From our terrace and the vacation rooms you have a fantastic view on the Elbe, the rock formations of the Bastei the famous sandstone area "Weiße Brüche".
For a recreative vacation in Saxon Switzerland we offer you two vacation homes and two appartements for 2 to 3 persons. The two vacation homes are in the 1st floor and the appartements in the top floor of our house.
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